Training services

Training services

We can help with any training or behaviour problem you might be experiencing, from puppy training to obedience training,

behaviour problems, fear, aggression, and everything in between.

In - Home Private Training

At Dogo Training School, we believe that the most effective training is done in the comfort of your home. We’ll travel to you and work with your family in your home (or other locations as desired), assess your goals, implement a training plan to help you meet those goals, and guide you through the training process with extensive follow-up


We have training programs tailored to meet every budget and

required level of training, including (but not limited to):

  • Puppy Training
  • Manners & Obedience
  • Aggression & Reactivity
  • Leash Training
  • Curbing Problem Behaviours Like Jumping & Barking
  • Fearful/Shy Dogs
  • Separation Anxiety

Whether you’re looking for help with obedience and manners, or more complex behaviour issues, we’re here to help.

Board & Train

You simply won’t find a more customized board and train program than this! We tailor our training to your specific goals, while keeping you directly updated on your dog’s process on a daily basis.

Let us handle your dog’s training for you in a full immersion program that takes place in one of our professional trainers’ homes or our exceptional partner facility.

Our board and train dogs

  • Are fully immersed in a structured, training-centered environment. We operate primarily out of our partner facilities, in an empty area and also offer a few limited in-home spots for small breed dogs and young puppies
  • Receive customized training to meet your training goals.
  • Spend the entire day rotating between training sessions and play/rest periods. (Sundays are a rest & play only day.)
  • Are taken in small numbers, ensuring safety and that training goals are met.
  • Can come to us as at an early age, versus waiting for problems to arise later on.
  • Receive daily updates from your trainer, detailed videos of all learned behaviours reviewed with you during a midway phone call and on pickup, and a complimentary follow-up session in your home after completion of the program. (If out of our service area, this will be conducted virtually.)

A dog trainer's primary responsibility is to work with dogs and their owners to teach, modify, and improve the dogs' behavior, obedience, and overall skills. They use various training techniques and positive reinforcement methods to help dogs understand commands, respond to cues, and develop good manners.

Here's a breakdown of what a dog trainer typically



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Training Plans

  Based on the assessment, the dog trainer devises a training plan tailored to the dog's personality, learning style, and the owner's goals. The plan may focus on obedience training, behavior modification, socialization, or addressing specific problem behaviors.

Teaching Commands

Dog trainers teach dogs basic commands such as sit, stay, down, come, and heel. These commands form the foundation of good manners and obedience, making it easier for dogs to live harmoniously with their owners.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a central aspect of modern dog training. Trainers use rewards like treats, praise, or toys to reinforce desired behaviors, making the learning process

enjoyable and encouraging for the dog.

Behavior Modification

For dogs with behavior issues like aggression, anxiety, fear, or excessive barking, the trainer will work on behavior modification techniques to address and improve these problems.

Leash Training

Teaching dogs to walk politely on a leash is an essential part of training. Trainers help dogs learn to walk without pulling and respond to leash cues positively.


Socialization is crucial for a dog's development. Trainers guide owners on how to properly socialize their dogs with other animals, people, and various environments to reduce fear

and anxiety.

 Training Tools

Trainers use training tools like clickers or target sticks to aid in teaching commands and shaping behaviors effectively.

Owner Education

A significant part of a dog trainer's job is educating the dog owners. Trainers demonstrate training techniques, provide guidance on handling and communication, and help owners

understand their dog's needs.

Group Classes

We trainers conduct group training classes where multiple dog owners and their dogs participate. Group classes offer socialization opportunities for the dogs and enable owners to learn from each other's experiences.

Monitoring Progress

Throughout the training process, the dog trainer monitors the dog's progress and adjusts the training plan as needed to achieve the desired results.

Problem Solving

 Trainers troubleshoot training challenges and help owners overcome obstacles that may arise during the training process.

Continuing Education

To stay current with the latest training techniques and behavioral research, we professional dog trainers regularly engage in continuing education and attend workshops or


Private Sessions

We trainers offer one-on-one private sessions with clients to address specific issues or provide personalized training.

By working with dogs and their owners, dog trainers play a crucial role in fostering well-behaved, happy, and well-adjusted pets, strengthening the bond between humans and their canine companions.

Here is a list of various dog training services We Provide.

Basic Obedience Training

Teaching essential Commands such as sit, stay, come, down, and heel.

Advanced Obedience Training

  Building on basic commands

and adding more complex cues and behaviors.

Puppy Training

     Training tailored

specifically for young puppies to start them on the right path with

socialization and basic manners.

House Training

Teaching dogs to eliminate outside and develop proper bathroom habits.

Leash Training

Teaching dogs to walk politely on a leash without pulling or lunging.

Off-Leash Training

Training dogs to respond

reliably to commands even when not on a leash.

Clicker Training

Using a clicker to mark desired behaviors and reinforce positive actions.

Marker Training

Using verbal cues or other markers to indicate desired behaviors.

Positive Reinforcement Training

Using rewards like treats, praise, or toys to encourage good behaviors.

Behavior Modification

 Addressing and modifying

problematic behaviors such as aggression, fear, separation anxiety, etc.

Socialization Training

   Exposing dogs to various

environments, people, and animals to promote confidence and sociability.

Crate Training

Teaching dogs to view their crate as a safe and comfortable space.

Agility Training

Training dogs to navigate

through obstacle courses to improve physical fitness and mental stimulation.

Trick Training

Teaching fun and entertaining tricks like roll over, play dead, shake hands, etc.

Search and Rescue Training

Training dogs to locate missing persons or detect specific scents

Scent Detection Training

Teaching dogs to identify and alert to specific scents (e.g., narcotics, explosives).

Protection/Personal Protection Training

Advanced training to teach

dogs to protect their owners in certain situations.

Guard Dog Training

Training dogs to guard

property and provide security.

Tracking Training

Teaching dogs to follow a scent trail to locate specific objects or individuals.

Hunting Dog Training

Training dogs for specific

hunting tasks, such as pointing, retrieving, or flushing game.